Admission Requirements
SSB offers accessible, affordable, and innovative learning opportunities. The admission requirements have been designed to reflect this philosophy.
To ensure the quality and consistency of the learning experience at SSB we limit the number of admissions each intake. Limited capacity in each program means that places are sought after on a competitive basis. Although you may be eligible for admission, SSB offers places on a “first-in” basis.
Advanced Diploma Courses
Advanced Diploma courses require applicants to have completed a relevant diploma or have evidence of substantial relevant work experience.
Diploma Courses
Diploma programs require applicants to have completed the Australian Year 12 (or equivalent), have completed a Certificate IV, or be over 20 years of age and have evidence of relevant work experience.
Certificate IV Courses
Admission to a Certificate IV program requires applicants to complete the Australian Year 11 (or equivalent), have completed a relevant Certificate III course, or are over the age of 20 with proof of relevant work experience.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Students, may apply for advanced standing by forwarding their academic transcript and CV prior to the beginning of the teaching session. The student will be advised via email of their creditable units before the start of their studies.
Mature Age Entry
Mature-aged students are considered to be 21 years of age or older. Mature-age is available to any student upon proof of age.